The Wairarapa and Greater Wellington's Leading Commercial Helicopter Operator

Archive of old Newsletters

Hi everyone, well what have we been up to over the last wee while…quite a lot actually! I know most of you will be wanting to know how the Roar went this year and I will get to that shortly, but first just a quick recap on other goings on.

AHNZL had its annual CAA Audit at the beginning of 2010, we received the audit report a short time later and are pleased to report AHNZL are rated in the top 14% of rotor wing operations in NZ, this is a great achievement for a small operation and shows our staffs dedication to safety and client service…..that’s my way of saying its your shout JD!!

On the SAR front for April there was a bit of action with 2 missing hunters Wainuiomata/ Greater Wellington Regional Council water catchment area, followed a couple of days later by an over due mountain runner shortly after that we searched for a missing 9 year old boy out on a day tramp with his family at Donnelly Flat, and at the end of April we searched for 2 missing tourists at the Pinnacles Ngawi and a missing woman on the Wairarapa Coast, lastly we flew out a couple of injured school party children from Tutuwai Hut Tararua Forest Park, one with a broken arm the other with burns to his hand from contact with a very hot flue. All searches ended well, again we acknowledge the great efforts of our NZ SAR teams, these people are volunteers and drop everything to give there time to help out others, each one of the above searches could easily have ended differently if it were not for their expertise and dedication.

DOC land; most will know the Atiwhakatu Hut is finished and has been opened including a new section of track and board walk well worth a look, a lovely day walk for the family. New track metal has been flown for the Miki Miki track, also to come a new bridge which should be completed in May, the Arcus Loop and the track to Waitiwaewae Hut has been upgraded, a new section of track has been completed up to Tutuwai Hut. Two new huts have been built in the Orongo Orongo’s (Shamrock & Haurangi) all in all a productive start to 2010.

Now to the Roar, AHNZL flew several parties into the Tararua Forest Park and if you have a look on our gallery pg you will see a cross section of heads that came out this year. All parties reported hearing plenty of animals, however and especially early on, had trouble getting the stags to come in. Nearly all parties were successful in bagging something (even if a spiker for the freezer) many parties reported the majority of stags sighted were 8 and 10 pointers, it sounds like some good potential coming through. Just to keep you in the loop there is a photo on the gallery page of two stags one in the velvet and the other in hard antler both these stags (as far as we know) were not bagged this year and have been since sighted. It has been great to see that nearly all our hunting parties are NZ boys getting out amongst it and several Dad and sons teams. So on the whole the Tararuas turned on a good roar with many parties rebooking for next year… so if the Tararua Forest Park is somewhere you would like to try your luck ring in and secure your spot. New photos on our web site : the Roar 2010, a couple of scenery and an update of the Andersons hut with new roof and board walk Well that’s it for now folks
Regards AHNZL
Is that you Mossy??? How did you burgle a spot on the roar pg??

09/01/2010 Newsletter

Well here we are 2010 already with 2009 just a blur it zoomed past so fast, Merry Christmas and Happy New year all be it a bit late folks, AHNZL had a very busy end to 2009 but have enjoyed a pleasant break over Christmas and new year. We have expanded our fleet again with the addition of another 500E ZK-INO this is a brand new machine and arrived at our base with a total time of 140 hrs. This machine will be staying on line over the fire season. (ooooo-shiney!)

New on the web site: some photos on the hunting page of a few animals snapped out in the open on JD’s travels. We have flown a steady group of spring hunters, the windy weather has been very frustrating and we have had more than one group stranded at base twiddling there thumbs and eyeing up the venison in our deer paddock waiting for a chance to fly, one group posted some footage of a couple of deer feeding on the flats outside their hut…you can’t get much hander than that! A couple of new shots of a track upgrade/metal job and rook operations undertaken at Castlepoint and various other locations in the commercial gallery. Below is a photo of the new machine ZK-INO with Rick & Herb on board, Rick and Herb help out every year with the rook operations and from time to time when we get busy they step up and give a hand out, a couple of good keen kiwi blokes we appreciate their help, thanks guys.


28/07/2009 June / July Newsletter

FARMERS Spring is in the air already, a few lambs are making an appearance, AHNZL Ag division have been busy sowing urea and thistle spraying ….. a reminder – have you assessed your thistles……………DON’T leave it too late as AHNZL will not spray thistles in the confines of the Wairarapa Valley after end of August, if you are not sure about your responsibilities re the GWRC clean air plan give us a call and we will advise you on a spray plan for your property.

Spring Hunters are starting to call in booking there spring trips, still a lot of snow around AHNZL have completed new track metal for Otaki Forks to Field Hut track.

AHNZL were called in to search for two missing trampers (CEO Te Papa and his friend) A ground party found the gentlemen and JD & Jarod found the lady not long after, both of the missing parties were recovered and along with SAR teams were flown out by AHNZL, not a good out come this time and our condolences go out to the families involved. A note of appreciation to the SAR teams that stand along side AHNZL when ever we are out in those very trying conditions.

JD & Jarod are to compete in the last of the Central Series Enduro events for 2009 this weekend, Jarod is currently coming 3rd in his grade and has a really good shot at climbing up the ranks even further, he just might surprise himself this time!. JD has brought a new bike YZ 450 Yamaha and will be sponsored by Sargent Motorcycles of Carterton for the 2010 season, the purchase puts JD in a different grade for competition, it is unlikely that he will place in the Central Series this year due to the grade change and he has also missed a couple of rides due to work commitments, but look out next year as he is determined to make his presence felt. Two photos below of JD on a trail bike ride at Martinborough, this was the last time out for the KTM……update…. weekend is over Jarrod came second in INT E3 overall for the Central Series! nice one Jar, JD managed to get forth place in the Central Series INT E3 class overall, and for his first time out on the new bike and in a new grade INT E4 managed to take second place, looking forward to seeing how you do in the next series JD.

26/05/2009 April/May Newsletter

Apologies for the lateness of the newsletter, we have decided due to our office lady only having two hands that one news letter combining news over 2 months was better for her disposition (and easier on the china).

The roar kicked away with Vince Ducket shooting a 15 pts stag in the Atiwhakatu Stream, an escapee which was fighting through his deer fence…. sorry to let the cat out of the bag on that one Vince, it certainly created quite a stir amongst the hunting community; we could tell by the excited speculation and whispers that roar fever was alive and healthy! Vince’s stag was followed by a true blue head shot by Rick Abbott 15 points, even Jarod got in amongst it producing a respectable 12 pointer. AHNZL flew a good number of roar hunters with varying success, nearly all got something to top up the freezer. Photos are up on web site.

We have a new staff member Damien Bolger, Damien is visiting NZ form and will be working with AHNZL as an on call loader driver. Damien is also a commercial pilot, welcome Daimen we hope you will enjoy your time with us.

JD and Jarod have been out to a few trail bike rides one at Mauriceville and another at Whareama which they enjoyed, nice to get out and do something a bit different, blow out the cobwebs.

Appearing on the web site soon a few snaps of a Fallow deer, a great head shot by Steve Playle and also his partner Sharon ’s first deer, well done guys.

A new hut has been built over May to replace the old Atiwhakatu Hut, its pretty well completed however due to the wet weather it will be a while until the painting can be finished. This Hut was a marathon effort by the builders – Wellington Residential, Evan Mardell and team put in a sterling effort to get this hut to its current point. Below: photos of the flying and Atiwhakatu Hut construction site.

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19/03/2009 Newsletter

Autumn is in the air and roar fever is starting to mount we have had an influx of bookings for early April in anticipation of a great roar this year, hunters that we have spoken with are positively itching to get into it. JD is reporting good numbers of animals and plenty of worked up wallows things are shaping up to be a real cracker, good luck guys!

Only one rescue to report which turned out to be a false alarm of 5 people in the water out at Matikona after a boat was upturned, seamed everyone made it to shore safely, however things got a bit confused when 2 of the party swam back out to try to salvage the boat or belongings. One fire at Ngahapae Road / Stronvar, there was a small mention in the news paper however Jason believes this fire had the timing and intensity to be sever, he made the decision early to request extra machines and was assisted by 3 other helicopters, it took some time to gain control and there were some very nervous moments due to the location and the summer conditions.

The Gentle Annie track reconstruction / upgrade has been completed and we believe is a vast improvement and worth the time to take a walk, DOC have undertaken other track upgrades this month including the Waiohine Walls Whare track and the track from Otaki Forks to Kime Hut / Tabel Top ( photo below ).

What’s new on AHNZL web site: A very nice and even head was shot by pvt hunter Pepe Bell and posted on hunting page, a few photo’s snapped by Jason in his travels on the hunting page, Two recent Bivi upgrades, Mid King Biv, McGregor & current the Tarn Ridge on the huts page, and 3 new photos on the scenic page

JD & Jarod had a lash at a national enduro ride held at Kapiti Moonshine Road Ackatararuas in Feb (not looking at doing the full series this year due to work commitments. JD was going really well and had lost no time up until the 4th stage when he got a flatty (back wheel) so that retired him for the day, Jarod rode really well and finished the round coming in bang on the 60th minute so he was placed, well done Jar.

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13/01/2009, December 08 / Jan 09 Newsletter

Happy New Year to all, we hope the festive season has been pleasant and you are revitalised for the year ahead, AHNZL were on deck over the Dec/Jan break for any emergency call outs how ever only one fire at Tinui and a bulldozer in a forestry block got our attention so not a lot to report there.

AHNZL have our annual CAA audit due in Jan, this year we reapply for our Air Transport Certificate which has to be renewed every 5 years and allows our company to transport fare paying passengers. Our base at 625 Chester Road is having a face lift with most of the painting complete and just the re-roofing of the woolshed and painting of a couple of other buildings we should be looking pretty smart. We have had a steady stream of hunting parties over Dec and Jan most are seeing animals and bringing meet home. Its great to see Dorset Hut being utilized since its upgrade and the good comments coming from those that have stayed there. In December 2008 AHNZL were requested to attend a Fire training day at Takarau Gorge below is a copy of a letter we received form the Chair of the Greater Wellington Rural Fire Committee. Below that is a photo (taken by AHNZL Staff Andy Chatfield) that we have put on the web site home page, the photo is of a controlled burn undertaken in rural Wairarapa by AHNZL Chief pilot Jason Diedrichs, the burn was very successful and well controlled, due to Jason’s years of aerial fire fighting which has taught him many lessons in regard to fire behaviour, he depends on this when undertaking any controlled burning.

15 December 2008

Mr Jason Diedrichs
Amalgamated helicopters (NZ) Ltd
PO Box 22 Masterton

Dear Jason
I wish to thank you for the excellent service we received form you and your crew at the Greater Wellington helicopter training exercise held at Takarau Gorge on the 13th December 2008. Your co-operation and planning on getting your helicopter to Wellington for the training was appreciated and things turned out very well and a good day was had by all. Your helicopter on arrival was immaculate as usual and when you started flying your professionalism and skill was obvious. With your help the day seemed to flow well and despite mechanical problems with other aircraft the training exercise was successful.

Please accept my thanks, not only as the Chair of the Greater Wellington Rural Fire Committee, but also a personal thank you. I have worked with you for several years now Jason and the service and level of professionalism I have come to expect from Amalgamated Helicopters is always there. This I appreciate. Working with a professional pilot like you has enabled me to learn much and deliver aircraft management at a higher level that is recognised both overseas and here in New Zealand. I look forward to our long and continuing relationship.

Jock Darragh

Extra Close up burn ZK-INZ

18/11/2008 Newsletter

AHNZL have had a very busy couple of months, at this time of the year we are involved with a large annual contract for which our fleet increases by the addition of an extra 500E model, you may have seen ZK-HZP out and about which is being piloted by Jarod over the next couple of months.

Emergency Services Day: AHNZL were asked to do a display of under-slung bucket work for rural fire fighting, there was a good public turn out and many positive comments regarding this very important community service. This is a good chance for the crews and AHNZL to brush up on fire fighting skills prior to the season.

Only one emergency call out over Sept/Oct to retrieve a hunter from the Ruahines due to a family member being critically ill in Wellington Hospital , with very little to go on other than the hunters name, the number in his group and the catchments they were reported to be hunting in Jason was able to locate the hunter and deliver him to Wellington in time to be with his family. Well done team AHNZL have a new member of staff, Rob Ratclife has taken a position as a part time pilot, Rob is based in the Wairarapa he has 1000 hrs of flying experience in the Hughes 500 and will make a welcome addition to the team.

A note to all Tararua Forest Park users the Battery Bivi (see below) as the sign suggests a little maintenance required!!!


15/09/2008 Newsletter

While it has been good to see the rain after 2 droughts, it seams as though what we haven’t been getting over the last 2 years is now coming home to roost, Spring has sprung and with a bit of sun and the odd warmer day the grass is shooting away, everyone could do with a mild and settled spring so fingers crossed AHNZL have been busy spraying thistles and sowing Urea, Lots and Lots of Urea, with the ground to wet for the planes to use the strips and ground spreaders in paddocks the farmers still need to get that fert on so we fill the gap.

Only one emergency call out in August to Castlepoint, fortunately the situation was resolved before we arrived, still a worth while emergency response reminder with the silly season just around the corner and it keeps our crews on their toes.

Below are a couple of photos of a wire pulling operation we have been undertaking for Tenix this operation began at the end of August and will continue well into September with several km of wire replaced. Pictured below East Taratahi Rd Jason is the Pilot and the wire is being pulled out from the drum you can see in the second photo, you cant see the drum in the first photos because it is right at the end of the road, so quite a distance, the third photo is the pole that feeds the Taratahi Rd with a few loose ends to be tied off.


14/08/2008 Newsletter for: July / Aug 2008

Amalgamated Helicopters and the Wairarapa lost a great man this month, sadly on the 6th of August Joe Wyeth past away from a brain tumour which he had been fighting for the last 13 years. Joe was a great rugby man playing for Wairarapa Bush late 70’s early 80’s he represented our region against the British lions and played 65 games for Wairarapa Bush. Joe was also a fire fighter serving our community for 25 years, a well known and very keen hunter in the Wairarapa he will be sadly missed….our love and thoughts are with his family RIP Joe.


Have you assessed your thistles……………DON’T leave it too late as AHNZL will not spray thistles sprays in the confines of the Wairarapa Valley after end of August, if you are not sure about your responsibilities re the GWRC clean air plan give us a call and we will advise you on. Its been wet wet wet not much weather for flying unless you’re a duck, AHNZL has been ticking away over the last couple of months with our usual GOVT work and on the ag scene there has been plenty of thistle to do. We attended the opening of a new walking track at Pukaha Mt Bruce, Amalgamated Helicopters were involved in flying the metal for the track, if you get a chance this is a great addition to the reserve and well worth a look.

JD & Jarod competed in the last of the National enduro events for 2008 both coming 4th in their respective classes not a bad effort for there first year of competing If you are one of the people who have left a message on our forum page and find that it has been deleted we apologies for this we have experienced some nuisance advertisers leaving unsolicited messages, we have inadvertently deleted some good comments so please feel free to re-enter your notes as we now have a spam filter operating and should not have any more problems.

22/06/2008 Newsletter

AHNZL has been very busy since the Directors returned from holiday (which they are still talking about to anyone who will listen) GOVT dept work, Spraying, Lifting and more has kept our machines ticking away, still the odd hunter heading in after a Tararua Stag with good numbers of animals being seen and most able to bring home an animal.

We have just completed the renewal of our part 137 Agricultural certificate now in place for another 5 years, part of this process was another audit from the Civil Aviation Authority which went through very smoothly always a good time to take stock of where we are and where we are going also a good refresher for all staff.

25 May 2008 Newsletter

The Gwavas event started on a cold wet South Easterly and only got worse as the day went on, mud mud and more mud, possibly the most energy sapping enduro our guys have participated in to date. Jarod pulled out around lunch at the end of stage two, conditions just too tough to continue. Frank Aldridge was another early finisher. Jason completed the course a great effort and testament to one of Jason’s personality traits (stubborn determination) Jason reported being so thickly covered in mud he had difficulty in lifting his legs back to the foot rests if he took them off of to manoeuvre his bike, they would dragged along behind him until he could get them back in place! Paul Bashford, another competitor showing real determination also completes the day. There was no telling who was who at this event, the mud so thick and greasy cold conditions ending the day for many riders early on. Rory Mead was the over all winner for the day, Chris Birch was away overseas competing in the Erzberg Enduro in Austria where he came 8th among 1,300 of the worlds best, great effort and a great competitor to represent NZ.
Next Enduro is at Santoff 27.07.08

22/05/2008 Newsletter

Firstly we apologise for the lateness of this news letter, the Directors have been away on a very long over due and well deserved holiday to Stewart Island and yes it was fantastic, 3 hrs in a large cray boat to get to our block at the very bottom of the Island about as isolated as you can get, next stop Antarctica. To tell you more would be a news letter in its self what we will say is if you get a chance we highly recommend the experience. We are back well rested and its business as usual at AHNZL base. Special thanks to our team: Jarod, Chrissy & Andy for taking such good care of things while we were away.
Well the Roar is over a good time was had by all, see new photos on the Gallery/Hunting page. The best comment of the roar came form a young chap flying in for his first roar hunt, JD (as he usually dose) took them for a quick look around their block, 10 deer were spotted form the air, the young guy in the back pretty pumped up at the sight yelled into the mic “I don’t think I’ve brought enough bullets”
We have received our CAA audit report, this year AHNZL have scored a low % out of 100% (the lower the score the more compliant the company) so we are right up there. We have also had our health and safety audit and achieved a 96% rating (no one gets 100%) so a small gain there as last year we were 95%, all in all outcomes to be proud of, well done to our staff as its their attention to detail and relentless form filling in (which of course they do with out complaint) that keeps AHNZL building its professional reputation.
Below a photo of the new South Ohau Hut, another great addition to the park.


7/04/2008 Newsletter

JD has competed in his 3rd National Enduro in the Coromandel. He competed comfortably over the day not losing any minutes over 6 legs however 300mtrs off the start of the 7th leg he got a flat tire. Not a quitter, he did the last 17 km stretch on the flatty and finished 8 minutes down but still in the series. The update has been loaded on the AHNZL Sport page for both Kapiti / Mana and Tairua / Coromandel race.
Not much on the rescue front last month, a false start to search for a lost jet skier at Castlepoint, the lost party managed to clamber onto some rocks and make himself known before we got there (very lucky). One fisherman airlifted to Masterton Hospital from Tutuwai Hut Tararua Forest Park with a popped shoulder after a fall. And lastly we were called to a fire at Lake Reserve.
The roar is now on with hunters reporting the odd moan here and there, with the change in temperature we expect things to hot up over the next week or so.
A new photo on the hunting page of an American Client Bow Hunting with AHNZL guide John Royle (copy below) They have since headed to the North Island and are due to fly into the Tararua Forest Park to try their luck here.

11/03/2008 Newsletter for: Tuesday, 11 March, 2008

What’s new: Dorset Hut has been completed and the Dorset Hut restoration page on the web site has been up dated, also the official DOC press release has been added to the latest new page.

AHNZL introduce their South Island guide John Royal see hunting pg and also a few pic’s on the gallery/ hunting page.

Te Parei Rd, Kaikuri, near rescue on lake ferry + search for missing man articles on our news page .

JD & Jarod entered in the second National Enduro Series for 2008 which was held at Akatarawa Wellington. Jarrod retired early with a broken gear lever, J D went on to finish and gain third place in the Intermediate Vet section up date will be on our enduro page shortly .

NZDA Masterton branch annual fly in went well below is an article submitted by Jo Golightly and a photo of the troops

“Sayer Hut – Here we come….” Jo Golightly

Each summer, NZDA members help to cart hay for a local farmer who generously pays the club towards a subsidised helicopter trip into the Tararua’s. This goes for everyone who donates time towards the club throughout the year. Prior to the trip, everyone decides where they are going and plans accordingly. I have always loved the Totara Flats area, so the decision was an easy one for me – this year I had company in Phillipa McKay as well as Rooi, Kelpie pup, now 14 months old. The weather forecast for the trip looked good, so on a warm morning we gathered at Amalgamated Helicopters, Carterton for a brief before taking off. As we were the closest, Pip and I were first in while the rest of the group drove to Holdsworth which was more central to the other huts. I LOVE helicopters so enjoy the few minutes it takes to pop over a couple of ridges into the flats. The birds-eye view never ceases to amaze me! After dumping our gear in the hut, a wildly excited dog, Phillipa and I packed a day bag and walked a good bit of the flats checking for sign which was plentiful, and in varying degrees of freshness. I had in mind a couple of good possies after talking to a few people who had seen animals around. During the next couple of days we started at 4am to be in place at daylight – heard a pig, what could have been a deer nearby, but no luck – All we found were wet tracks in the sand as they circumnavigated our hiding places…… We enjoyed the regular radio schedule in the evening to find out how others were doing. Rooi was exceptionally well behaved, having some sense to get in and be quiet while we waited silently. Apart from trying to annoy us when she became bored (as young things tend to do) she was great – this is only her second hunting experience and she shows signs of winding with interest at the air and on the ground, as we move about. I am inexperienced too, but I am getting my timing right and have both heard and seen animals this time. I had the chance to shoot a hind, but with a small fawn at foot, I was more than happy to watch them and will wait for a spiker or stag another time. Saturday came too quickly. Arrangements had been made for pickup considering the predicted strong northerly winds and it was justifiably so! The trip out was a bit of a rock and roll – any time later and we might have had to stay longer. Pity…… Sincere thanks must go to JD, Andy & Jarod for their care and consideration during this trip. They maintain a high standard of professionalism as well as being friendly and genuinely interested in the trip. I can’t wait for next year….. Photo courtesy of Kieth Finlayson.

10/02/2008 Newsletter

We see Stu Taylor has left a comment on our forum page; Stu was an AHNZL loader Driver before taking a leap to Western Australia with his wife Em and two boys Sam & Charlie. Stu is driving big rigs delivering fert and grain. Cheers Stu & Em great to hear all is well in WA (below photo of ZK-INZ for the boy’s)

AHNZL are first call in the Wairarapa for emergency response to rural fires, this Jan 08 has become one of the driest on record, recently we attended a fire at the Whareama River Mouth, the grass fire was threatening batches luckily the batch owners (who were not in residence at the time) had recently mowed and watered their lawns and this helped greatly in stopping the fire at the doorstep !, a photo and new article are on our latest news pg just hit the link on the yellow side panel on this pg, you will go straight to the web site.

DOC work in the park, with the recent fine weather several of the huts have had some attention with repairs made and inspections carried out for future work, unfortunately Sayers Hut has been hit by vandals recently, The Wairarapa Deer Stalkers have flown in to tidy up and repair the damage.

AHNZL staff have had a busy end to Jan with our annual routine CAA Audit, all went well we now wait for our results which will tell us how we compare within the Rotor wing industry in NZ

DORSET HUT RESTORATION PROJECT: The materials have arrived for the Dorset Hut restoration project and were flown in over the weekend; photos of the materials arriving etc will be be added to the web site soon, also the update on building progress.
One of the more interesting call outs was at the beginning of Feb when a gentleman phoned in to request our assistance to tow his beached jet boat back into deeper water on Lake Wairarapa (Opps) .

What’s new on AHNZL web site: JD has completed the first of the national Enduro series the up date will be on the enduro page soon, a nice shot of a two hinds and a fawn added to the hunting page, a couple of photos of the fire at Whareama River Mouth are on the commercial pg. Jumbo Hut has been added to the Tararua Huts pg, and lastly photos of a wedding party on the Scenic & Tourist page

Close up NZ IMG_1038(1)

7/01/2008 Newsletter

HAPPY NEW YEAR, hope you have all come through in good spirits and the hangovers are only a blurry memory of the past!

AHNZL is a 24/ 7 emergency call out service, this time of the year is pretty much making sure a full crew is available at a moments notice and is on deck at all times for fires and misadventures of any kind. Over the Christmas and New Year period we have had several call outs for both lost & hypothermic trampers and the occasional over tired hunter wanting a quick ride out to the road end.

Below are a couple of photos of Alec Forsyth and son’s John & Richard, Alec was a pilot for AHNZL in the late 80’s early 90’s, and is now flying helicopters for Heli New Guinea spending a majority of his time in P&G. On this trip home he gave us a call to fly him and his boy’s into the forest park for John & Richards first hunt in the Tararua’s. Alec and the boy’s had a good trip selecting a couple of nice yearlings for the freezer.

Farmers, early 2008 are you thinking about gorse and tauhinau spraying, get in and make your booking, if you need any advise on chemical etc give JD or Jarod a call.

We have flown in several hunting parties through the later part of Dec 07 and early Jan 08 mainly old campaigners, all have shot animals and reported good deer numbers with many deer sighted well up in the tussock. Anyone interested in a fly in/out evening hunt JD is very confidant of putting you on to an animal. Nothing further to report, all is well in the park.

12/12/2007 Newsletter

AHNZL part time Pilot and Crewman Mike Barker pictured below on operations in Antarctica. Mike’s version of AHNZL Enduro riding (JD wants to know if you’ve had it airborne yet Mike?) Great to see you sporting the AHNZL gear while your away, looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you get back. Possibly a bit warmer here in NZ, might take you a bit to acclimatize…….

ZK-INZ has just come home from check with a zero time enhanced turbine on board. This modification lowers our carbon foot print by 25%, not the cheapest set of maintenance that’s for sure!!!, however AHNZL are committed to doing their bit for climate change.
DOC has been doing its usual bits and pieces in the Tararua Forest Park, nothing to report this week, all is well in the Park.

A couple of annual Hunting/Fishing parties have flown in and reported having awesome trips, if you get a chance take a look at our forum page (link above in yellow side bar), check out the comment left by Stephen McCleery then click on the little house icon to the left of Stephen’s comment to take a look at what they got up to.

Pre-Christmas functions are in full swing, there is more of this going on than work getting done at the moment! a bit the same for many this time of the year.
Lastly the team @ AHNZL wishes all our clients a safe and enjoyable holiday season, from our family to yours a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Best Wishes for a fantastic 2008.

30/11/2007 Newsletter

A note to all Tararua Forest Park users: DOC Masterton have just completed a 1080 drop in the Waingawa, Ruamahanga & Atiwhakatu areas so if you are venturing into these areas please be mindful of the possibility of coming across the odd bait.

We are nearly at the end of November and looking at the run down to Christmas as usual we have been flying the odd hunter and scenic flight, this has been helped by the last spell of reasonable weather…. we have even squeezed in a bit of spraying & a wedding flight.

Just added a photo of Mid King Bivi to the Tararua Huts page if you haven’t seen the Bivi take a look its in a pretty nice spot.

On the emergency call out front we have responded to a couple of calls just recently, one for a missing Two and a half year old boy at Blairlogie, pleasingly the young adventurer was found unharmed and wondering what all the fuss was about. However our second call was not so lucky and ended in the loss of an elderly gentleman in the Ruamahanga River. There is a small news item on our involvement in these searches by the Wairarapa Times-age on our: latest news page.

5/11/2007 Newsletter

This week sees us at the end of our Rook Baiting Operations for 2007; it is important to contact your local authority and report Rooks so we can continue to effectively control this very cunning pest.

We have been out and about with desiccation spraying for summer crop development and a few late thistles. FARMERS please note; it is to late to be spraying phenoxy sprays in the confines of the Wairarapa valley if you have been caught with a last minute burst of thistle growth give us a call and we will sort out a spray plan for your property including meeting your responsibilities re the : Greater Wellington clean air plan.

A few scenic flights have been taken in the evenings.

Tararua Forest Park – been keeping up with a few DOC projects.

Hunters – this is a good time of year to see a few deer poking around on the tops, we have had several hunters bring deer and pigs into our chiller among them a very respectable 181 pound boar.

The roar is on the horizon, we have been taking steady bookings over the year many rebooking on exiting last year, best to get in and make your booking early so not to be disappointed.

October has seen us involved in frost busting to date the vineyard we have been servicing has managed to escape Jacks clutches with no damage reported

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